Adoption Tip: Connect Virtually with Your Child’s Mother

The other day I came across this extraordinary website that I wanted to share with all those out there who want more than anything to connect with the mother of your future child.

Thanks to the miracle of new media, there are more options than ever to get the word out about your desire for family. If you are interested in domestic adoption, this is an option you should seriously consider.

Remember, though … a website is only as good as it is effective in making connections. Put your URL out there every way you can think of. That is every bit as important as creating the site itself!

God bless you!

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About hsaxton

Heidi Hess Saxton is an adoptive parent of two children, and converted to Catholicism in 1994. She is adoptive parent columnist at and She also writes for the Parenting Channel at In her spare time, she is finishing up her Master's thesis at Sacred Heart Major Seminary in Detroit.

1 thought on “Adoption Tip: Connect Virtually with Your Child’s Mother

  1. I’m writing to you because you’ve participated in the now-defunct Catholic Carnival. I’d be interested in continuing it, but as a meme, not a carnival. Rather than submitting a post to a carnival host, who would compile them and publish them, I propose to publish weekly, on my blog, a post titled St. Blog’s Sunday Snippets highlighting any posts I would have submitted to the Catholic Carnival and inviting others to create similar posts on thier blogs, link to my post and leave a comment on my post giving a link to your post. If it isn’t clear what I mean, check out my blog and look for the Mailbox Monday posts. My post is on my blog, and you’ll see a link to the host blog. On the host blog, you’ll see the master post, and all the links folks have left in the comments.

    This is a lot less work than a carnival and would allow you to use your Sunday Snippets post to highlight and link to one or more of your posts and to any great links you have found that week.

    I have set up a yahoo group from which I will post weekly reminders. Please subscribe if you are interested. Thanks.



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